Friday, February 29, 2008

How to have fun at a birthday party (not yours)

Step 1. Be sure to greet your hosts (Lucas, 4, and Charlie, 1), and wish them a happy birthday. Try not to blurt out what you got them within 10 seconds of entering the room.
(We know, we know ... this is hard.)

Step 2. Ladle races! They go great with the "Ratatouille" theme.

Step 3. PINATA TIME! Be sure to pull the right string to get the goodies. (If you don't have a tree, use a grandpa.)

No, not the orange.

No, not the blue.

GREEN! That's it! (The "winner" does not get to take home all of the candy. Got that, Gabi?)

Be sure to pack a carrying case. And share with the birthday boy.

Step 4. Cake time! He's 4 now - let him blow it out himself.

Step 5. Leave space for some Daddy-son time.

Step 6. Just because you're not at home doesn't mean you can't annoy Mom.
(Face it - you already knew this one.)

Step 7. Don't forget to show the ladies your "How you doin'?" face.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Who could resist that face? Fun photos!

Don't forget Step 8: Leave before the host regurgitates his cake. For the second year in a row.