Tuesday, June 17, 2008


This post really is only for myself ... but that is okay, right? Well, it will have to be.

In my pre-mother, pre-wedded life, I was a nanny. I lived in Iowa City and had two young boys to care for, with one more soon to arrive. One parent was a doctor; the other was finishing up residency in neurosurgery.

This family brought MANY amazing experiences in my life! I got a feel for the Jewish religion, got very comfortable navigating NYC, learned of Princess Diana's death while at the "weekend" home in Connecticut and missed an elevator ride with Julia Roberts at the Ritz in Chicago. As well as jumpstarting my own parenting skills in the beginning stages. Plus, developing a close relationship with the mom. I have nothing negative that I can even recall with this family. They ARE family.

One Saturday, I was going about my "weekend chores."
(read: on the computer, avoiding housework)

What joy came over me when the familiar voice on the other end was of my former boss, telling me he was venturing out to visit the past and wanting to visit me and meet my family!

SO ... what happens when you leave the family when the children are 2, 4, and 6? They don't stay those ages! I was shocked.

These "boys" are now 16, 14, and 12! I was there when the baby was still in the belly ... this just floors me! The boys were so great. Very kind to our kids, giving piggyback rides and listening to endless pointless stories. Hey, I used to do this for them. :)

I am truly on Cloud 9!

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