Wednesday, January 9, 2008


This weekend we went to Cedar Valley Park, and we were supposed to go hiking....but instead ended up at a playground! The temps were in the high 40's and our 7+ inches of snow were melting right before our eyes.
I think this all started with our daily
"What do you wanna do today? "
eventually I came forward and said
"I think we should go hiking"
Will: No I don't want to.
Me: Well, I do and I am going to get really grumpy if you tell me no!
I know briefly he was weighing the consequences of either a grumpy me, or 4 kids playing in the mud-snow-slush mixture!
Will: ~"o.k."

MA and PA
the HAPPY children ( SMILE OR ELSE!)
Let the snow balls fly!

you can't hide!
He's fast!
Pulling out the big guns!
Will's technique: Throw and RUN!
Get mom...she MADE US COME!
Tire swing time!
This kept up for 10 minutes or so, and then they complained that there stomaches hurt....hmmm??

All in all, I think ALL The sacrifices that we made that day were worth our FUN TIME!!!

Here is another glimpse from this weekend...
It seems that if I am alone, a radar goes off for the kids...and they must seek me out!
Too bad we only have this chair...


Homegrown Tribe said...

they look like they're having tons of fun!

Thanks so much for commenting on my blog! I love getting to know new mom’s. Have a great weekend.

Peace out, BC

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a blast at the park... and I love the big black&white pic of the kids - too cute!

I've been meaning to email you for a while, but you know how busy it gets... I will try to catch up soon :)
